Businesses of all sizes have large and ever expanding volumes of data, but most struggle to properly leverage it to their advantage. Understanding and contextualizing your data better is the key to unearthing new opportunities, making smarter business decisions and cutting down on inefficiencies. Pairee offers an array of services across the Business Intelligence and Analytics spectrum ranging from Data Aggregation, Data Management, Data Cleansing, ETL, Database Tuning, OLAP, Data Mining, Reporting, Dashboards and Data insights.

  • Our data management services enable organizations at any scale to better manage high volumes of data. We help companies create, manage, and disseminate data for all business applications and processes and contextualize it to create a single view of data that gives decision makers all the information they need in one place.
  • Services include: Data Migration (ETL), Master Data Management, Tools and Technology Selection, Data Connectors (ERP/CRM, database, OLAP tools, email servers), Data Security
  • For any business, an eagle eye view of their KPIs is crucial in the decision-making process. We create comprehensive reporting dashboards that minimize the effort required to comprehend data and make informed decisions more efficiently with highly visual representation of data. Our user-friendly visualizations enable employees to derive holistic data insights without worrying about data processing or manipulation techniques.
  • Services include: Reports and Dashboards creation, Migrating across Reporting platforms, Customized Report and Alerts, Performance Optimization

  • We provide customized data analysis services to help enterprises gain insights into their datasets, improve their business, and earn more revenue. We help in spotting important trends, identifying issues and potential opportunities for growth.
  • Services include:  Creating KPI (Key Performance Indicators) based on historic data, identifying and setting benchmarks for varied processes, ensuring data integrity while helping with data-based decision-making processes and validate the decision-making.